Minggu,  28 Desember 2014 Desa Pesanggrahan Kecamatan Kwanyar mengadakan pesta demokrasi desa

Pelantikan Kepala Desa Batubelle, Soket Dajah & Batah Timur

Rabu, 24 Desember 2014. Bupati Bangkalan "R. K. MUH. MAKMUN IBNU FUAD" melantik kepala Desa terpilih yaitu Desa Batubelle Kecamatan geger, Desa soket daja Kecamatan Tragah dan Desa Batah Timur Kecamatan Kwanyar.


Kamis, 18 Desember 2014 Desa Batah Timur Kecamatan kwanyar Kabupaten Bangkalan mengadakan pemilihan Kepala Desa.
Usai penghitungan, Mattamrin dinyatakan terpilih sebagai Kades. Itu setelah Mattamrin menang telak atas lawannya Rofikoh dengan selisih perolehan 810 suara. Sebanyak 1.305 warga telah menggunakan hak pilihnya dari total daftar pemilih tetap (DPT) 1.635.
RK Muh. Makmun Ibnu Fuad selaku bupati Bangkalan diwakili Wakil Bupati Bangkalan Mondir A. Rofi’i mengatakan, semua elemen masyarakat diminta untuk sama-sama menghormati dan menghargai proses demokrasi yang telah selesai itu. Pihaknya mengajak untuk bahu-membahu dalam membangun Desa Batah Timur ke depan, utamanya dalam hal keamanan. ”Mari kita tingkatkan kekompakan demi kesejahteraan dan pembangunan desa serta kondusifisitas di desa

Kebiasaan yang Membuat Kecerdasan Anda Menurun

1.      Tidak menciptakan dan mengevaluasi
Seseorang tidak bisa menciptakan dan mengevaluasi disaat yang bersamaan. Pertama-tama, seseorang harus menemukan apa yang ingin diciptakannya dan membuat rencana untuk itu. Setelah apa yang ingin diciptakan telah diterapkan, maka evaluasi baru bisa dilakukan. Sekali lagi, jangan lakukan dua hal ini bersamaan. Apalagi, tidak melakukan keduanya. 

2.      Anda berpikir bahwa Anda adalah seorang ahli
Menganggap diri seorang ahli adalah salah satu kebiasaan yang dapat menurunkan kecerdasan. Terbukalah untuk informasi apapun yang tidak diketahui untuk belajar hal yang baru. Bukan hanya dapat mempelajari hal baru, bertindak seperti ini juga bisa membuat seseorang menghargai oranglain.

3.      Ketakutan
Jika seseorang takut untuk gagal, maka mereka tidak akan mencoba hal yang baru. Jika bertindak seperti itu, seseorang tidak akan menjadi lebih baik. Maka yang perlu dilakukan adalah menghilangkan rasa takut dan coba semua hal yang baru. 

4.      Kurang percaya diri
Hal ini mirip dengan ketakutan. Jika seseorang tidak percaya diri, maka mereka tidak akan mempelajari hal baru dan berkembang. Percaya dirilah, bahkan ketika melakukan hal yang salah. Hal ini bisa membantu membangun kecerdasan. Sebaliknya, kurang percaya diri juga membuat kecerdasan menurun
5.      Membuat batasan irasional
Ketika seseorang membuat batasan yang tidak relevan untuk dirinya sendiri, maka sebenarnya saat itu mereka sedang menghalangi kecerdasan dan kemampuan untuk belajar. Hal ini bukan hanya menurunkan kecerdasan, tetapi juga menghentikan seseorang untuk belajar hal baru yang bisa membuatnya menjadi lebih baik.

6.      Minum minuman keras 
      Meminum alkohol sesekali memang tidak menurunkan kecerdasan. Tetapi, alkohol tetap saja akan menghambat sel-sel otak untuk menerima informasi baru. Jadi, meskipun mengonsumsi alkohol, janganlah mengonsumsinya berlebihan


Windows XP Professional SP3 32-bit – Black Edition 2012

Operasi Sistem ini adalah Windows asli XP Professional SP3 32-bit (Volume License) ISO dari Microsoft yang dibuat oleh situs www.zone54.com dan OS ini pula Lebih dari 200 MB driver terintegrasi untuk SATA / Achi, LAN, WLAN dan Monitor. Windows XP Black Edition 2012 ini juga sudah up to date Service Pack 3 sampai dengan Update 15 Maret 2012, Untuk boot sendiri saya rasa sudah dapat dijalankan secara cepat karena sudah ada beberapa file yang tidak diperlukan telah dihilangkan namun tidak menghambat kinerja sistemnya.
* Persyaratan Komputer Minimum adalah “600 MHz Processor” dengan “256 MB RAM” dan “4 GB Hard disk” dan “Super VGA (800×600) Video Adapter”.
* Jika Anda kehilangan beberapa program standar Windows XP kemudian buka Windows XP Favorites (Klik pada Start >> Favorites) dan di sana Anda akan menemukan link alternatif untuk program yang lebih baik. program Windows XP Ini akan dihapus karena sudah ketinggalan jaman atau telah digantikan oleh Microsoft dengan versi yang lebih baik, misalnya Microsoft Outlook Express telah digantikan tahun yang lalu dengan program Windows Live Mail.
* Jika Anda ingin mengubah Windows XP CD-Key setelah instalasi Windows XP silahkan menggunakan Alat “Keyfinder (Key Changer) v1.51.exe” yang dapat Anda temukan pada direktori “(source)\OEM\INFOS” di file ISO. Anda juga dapat mengubah nama pengguna Windows XP atau nama Perusahaan dengan Alat ini. Jika Anda mendapatkan peringatan malware tentang file “Keyfinder (Key Changer) v1.51.exe” dan “Windows Genuine Advantage Crack for v1.9.0042.0.exe”, itu normal karena hampir semua Program Anti Virus yang mendeteksi Keyfinder (Key Changer) dan sebagai malware.
1. Ada beberapa aplikasi tambahan pada Windows XP SP3 Black Edition 2012 yang meliputi
* 7-Zip v9.20.
* Open Command Prompt Shell Extension v2.1.0.
* HashCheck Shell Extension v2.1.11.
* SumatraPDF v1.9.
* Unlocker v1.9.1.
* Virtual CloneDrive v5.4.5.0.
* K-Lite Mega Codec Pack v8.4.0.
* Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) v7 Update 3.
* Flash Player ActiveX Control v11.1.102.63.
* Microsoft Silverlight v5.0.61118.0.
* Microsoft DirectX v9.29.1962.
* Microsoft Visual C-family (Up-to-Date) v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10.
* Microsoft Visual Basic (Up-to-Date) v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7+.
2. Komponen Windows Black 2012 yang dihapus antara lain
* Applications: Address Book
* Multimedia: Images and Backgrounds, Movie Maker, Music Samples, Old CDPlayer and Sound Recorder.
* Network: Communication tools, MSN Explorer, Netmeeting, Outlook Express, Windows Messenger.
* Operating System Options: Blaster/Nachi removal tool, Desktop Cleanup Wizard, Out of Box Experience (OOBE), Tour, Zip Folders.
* Drivers: Display Adapters, IBM ThinkPad, Logitech WingMan, Microsoft SideWinder, Scanners, Serial Pen Tablet, Sony Jog Dial, Toshiba DVD decoder card.
* Files: clock.avi, swtchbrd.bmp, yahoo.bmp.
3. Updates terbaru pada Windows XP Service Pack 3:
* Windows XP Service Pack 3 (KB936929).
* Windows Internet Explorer 8.
* Windows Media Player 11.
* Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update v1.2.
* Microsoft XML Core Services v4.0 Service Pack 3 (KB973685).
* Windows XP Root Certificates Update (KB931125) Version February 2012.
* Windows XP CAPICOM v2102.
* Microsoft Windows Update Web Control 7.4.7600.243.
* Microsoft Update Catalog Web Control 7.4.7057.248.
4. Aplikasi baru dari Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3:
* Windows XP Powertoy – ClearType Tuner v1.01.
* Windows XP Powertoy – Alt-Tab Replacement v1.0.
* Windows User Profile Hive Cleanup Service v1.6g.
* Microsoft BitLocker To Go Reader v1.0 (KB970401).
* Windows Feature Pack for Storage v1.0 (KB952013).
* Windows XP exFAT file system driver update package v1.0 (KB955704).
* Windows XP GDI+ Detection Tool v1 (KB873374).
* Windows XP QFEcheck v6.2.29.0.
* Microsoft Windows Browser Choice (KB976002 v5).
* Windows Genuine Advantage Validation v1.9.42.0 (KB892130) – Cracked Version.

Windows XP Professional SP3 Black Edition 2012 x86 ISO l 642 MB
Part 01 Download | Part 03 Download
Part 02 Download | Part 04 Download


ada ungkapan "mulutmu harimaumu" yang kini menjadi sangat populer di Tanah Air tampak benar adanya. Bahkan orang-orang sukses sangat memperhatikan perkataannya di kantor karena itu mewakili citranya.  Mengutip laman Business Insider, Senin (3/11/2014), para atasan di tempat kerja atau pengusaha besar biasanya sangat hati-hati dalam berkomunikasi khususnya di tempat kerja.  Penyampaian kata dengan cara yang baik, Bijaksana dan dikombinasikan dengan kepercayaan diri yang membuat pendengarnya merasa dihargai.  berikut ini kalimat yang tak pernah diucapkan orang sukses di kantor: 
  1. Saya selalu bekerja sendiri Banyak atasan yang merasa selalu bekerja sendiri tanpa bantuan rekan kerjanya. Padahal, orang sukses tak pernah malu meminta bantuan, pendapat atau masukan dari pegawainya. Dirinya selalu berusaha mempercayai orang lain termasuk bawahannya.   
  2. Itu bukan urusan saya Orang sukses biasanya menyukai berbagai masalah. Menghindari masalah bukan bagian dari kesehariannya. Tantangan merupakan salah satu hal yang paling dinikmati saat bekerja. Apalagi mengubahnya dengan mencari solusi. Dirinya tak pernah mengatakan suatu masalah bukan sebagai urusannya.  
  3. Tidak mungkin Para atasan atau pengusaha besar membangun bisnisnya di atas kepercayaan. Dia menyadari bahwa semua hal sangat mungkin terjadi. Saat orang lain menyerah, mereka yang sukses sibuk meniti jalan yang serba tidak mungkin itu dengan keyakinan bahwa dia bisa melakukannya.  
  4. Turuti saja Orang sukses biasanya tidak suka memaksakan kemauannya pada orang lain meskipun itu adalah bawahannya. Daripada memasakan pendapat secara langsung, dirinya akan mencoba memberikan kondisi-kondisi lain agar sang bawahan memahami sudut pandangnya.   trims.. ditunggu komentnya ya...

Bangkalan mengadakan MUTASI PEJABAT ESELON

Rabu, tanggal 24 September 2014 kabupaten Bangkalan mengadakan Mutasi Eselon

BUPATI Bangkalan, R.K. Muh Makmun Ibnu Fuad, kembali melakukan mutasi pejabat di lingkungan Pemerintah Kabupaten Bangkalan. Sebanyak 173 pejabat struktural, baik eselon II, III, IV dan V mengikuti pelantikan yang dihelat di Pendopo Agung Bangkalan, Rabu (24/09/2014).
“Mutasi ini, selain untuk mengisi jabatan yang kosong karena adanya pejabat yang telah pensiun, juga untuk melakukan penyegaran di lingkungan Penmkab Bangkalan,” kata Ra Momon, sapaan akrab mantan anggota DPRD Bangkalan priode 2009/2014 ini.
Disamping itu, sambung Ra Momon, mutasi dilkukan untuk promosi pejabat struktural dari eselon II sampai V di masing-masing SKPD. Sebab rotasi kepimpinan merupakan mekanisme keorganisasian yang tidak bisa dihindarkan. Diharapkan, dengan promosi dan mutasi pejabat struktural ini, bisa meningkatkan kinerja dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. “Setelah ini, kita akan evaluasi lagi kinerja para pejabat yang baru ini,” pungkasnya.
Berikut daftar pejabat struktural yang baru dilantik dan mengisi jabatan-jabatan penting, baik SKPD, Camat maupun Lurah di lingkungan Pemkab Bangkalan:  ( silahkan klik disini )

Forex daily 03 Juni 2014

Forex News: US Employment data released yesterday showed that job creation increased more than expected according to the privately owned company that put together the report. The US Dollar benefited and managed to gain against the Euro.

Technical Outlook

Currently the pair is testing the confluence zone created by the uptrend line and the support level at 1.3640 and the last push above 1.3675 wasn’t enough to bring in more buyers and to generate a continued bullish move. The main levels to watch remain 1.3730 as resistance and 1.3520 as support but today’s technical aspect will be overshadowed by the fundamentals.

Fundamental Outlook

The ECB Interest Rate will be announced at 11:45 am GMT but no change is expected and the main event of the day will be a double feature: the ECB Press Conference and the US Non Farm Employment Change. Both events take place at the same time, 12:30 pm GMT. Mario Draghi is likely to give traders more hints about future monetary policy during his speech at the Press Conference; as always, his attitude and answers to journalists’ questions will be closely watched by market participants and the Euro will be highly affected.The US Non Farm Payrolls are usually released Friday but this time they are released a day earlier due to Independence Day which is celebrated tomorrow. The market is likely to move very strongly at the time so we recommend caution.


The United Kingdom continues to post positive economic data and this was confirmed once more yesterday when the Construction PMI showed a better than expected value. As a result the Pound strengthened and posted a new high at 1.7176.

Technical Outlook

Although we had another bullish day, the momentum seems to fade away slowly and the Relative Strength Index starts to descend. Retracements are still anticipated but the fundamental scene is filled with important events which will highly influence price action. First potential support is located at 1.7140 while yesterday’s high is considered resistance.

Fundamental Outlook

At 8:30 am GMT the Services PMI is released but its impact is usually lower than the one of the other two indexes released Tuesday and Wednesday. However, higher values than the anticipated 58.1 can strengthen the Pound and take the pair higher. An extra importance will have the US employment numbers released later in the day.

Cara membuat scrip sendiri bagi trade forex (FX)

Ada saatnya bawah trader membutuhkan bantuan untuk melakukan aksi yang lebih cepat daripada aksi manual. Misalnya jika trader ingin menutup semua posisi dengan segera. Atau saat trader ingin membuka posisi baru dengan lot tertentu pada pair tertentu, dll.

Dengan adanya Scripts maka pekerjaan ini dapat dilakukan lebih mudah. Pada kelas ini Anda akan menemukan bahwa betapa mudahnya membuat Scripts yang sangat dibutuhkan. Dengan pengetahuan membuat Scripts sendiri maka Anda akan leluasa membuat script yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda sendiri.

kunjungan capres no urut 1

Bangkalan, 24 Juni 2014, Calon Presiden Republik indonesia hadir di Kabupaten Bangkalan

AUD / USD 08 Mei 2014

Dolar Aussie mendorong lebih tinggi pada hari Kamis , mengangkat AUD / USD ke level tertinggi 3 - minggu sekitar 0.9380.AUD/USD didorong oleh data di Oz , ChinaOnce lagi , pasar tenaga kerja Australia melampaui estimasi dan memberikan sayap ekstra untuk AUD , mendorong tempat ke posisi tertinggi baru di daerah 0.9380/85 . Tingkat pengangguran tetap tidak berubah pada 5,8 % sementara Employment Change naik 14.2K , lebih dari dua kali lipat ekspektasi untuk 6.75K . Pada baris yang sama ,surplus perdagangan yang lebih tinggi di China selama April ditambahkan ke sentimen optimis sekitar pasangan . " Pagi ini , satu set positif dari angka pasar tenaga kerja April membalik AUD - USD lebih tinggi meskipun 0,9385 dan kemudian 0,9400 dapat membatasi dalam waktu dekat tertunda aliran data Cina.Pada sisi negatifnya , 0,9315 juga dapat meredam on dips dekat istilah " , kata Emmanuel NG , FX Strategist di OCBC Bank.AUD / USD pasangan kunci levelsThe sekarang naik 0,55 % di 0,9379 dengan resistance berikutnya di 0,9427 ( tinggi Apr.11 ) depan dari 0.9461 ( Apr.10 tinggi ) dan kemudian 0,9500 ( level psikologis ) . Pada sisi negatifnya , pelanggaran 0,9227 (low Apr.29 ) akan bertujuan untuk 0,9225 ( rendah Apr.4 ) dan akhirnya 0,9184 ( 50 - d MA ) .

Analisis 27 Maret 2014

After interacting with the already broken 5-years bearish trend line as a support (turquoise), the price bounced in bullish direction, where it tested again the Simple Moving Average 150 (yellow). The SMA resisted and the price started dropping. Suddenly, after half of the drop, the Momentum Indicator started moving in bullish direction, creating a bullish divergence with the graph of the price. For this reason, we believe that the price might start increasing before touching the already broken turquoise 5-years bearish trend line. The other scenario might be, a sudden drop to the turquoise line and a rapid rebound.


The symmetrical triangle led to an outcome. After many frequent tests, the lower level of the triangle did not manage to hold the pressure of the price, which broke in bearish direction and dropped around 45 pips. Then something like a Double Bottom formation was created and the price started rapidly increasing. If we state that this is really a Double Bottom formation, the price still has to complete at least 50% of the potential movement. Therefore, the logical scenario would be a return to the upper level of the triangle, a resistance and a new drop, where the next crucial level would be the lower bottom of the formation.


The price did a crucial break in bullish direction, while testing the lower level of the already broken bullish corridor as a resistance (D1). Furthermore, it also broke through the purple 20-days bearish trend line, which was the indication of the bearish movement, which was a result of the Double Top formation on D1. Having in mind that the price did such significant breaks, it is most likely to see a new bullish movement. We remind that it is likely to see a return to some of the broken level or to all of them at once.


After the price dropped and interacted with the upper level of the already broken bearish corridor (red) on D1, the price started increasing constantly with moving after a bullish trend line (blue), which is tested 5 times already. At the same time, the resistance around 0.88660 is still strong and unbroken. The resistance and the line form an ascending triangle, which, as we all know has bearish potential. For this reason we believe that the price would break through the blue bullish trend line and would start a drop, which has a potential with the size of the triangle. We would like to mention, that the price might first touch the pink resistance again, before starting dropping.


The price is still moving after the bullish trend line, which is a result of the inverted Head and Shoulders formation on the D1 chart (the neckline is the orange straight line). Suddenly, the price created a top, where the price is trying to break again. This means that we have a resistance (pink), which might change the situation. Furthermore, there is a big bearish divergence between the price and the Momentum Indicator (blue line), which is in a harmony with the pink resistance. For this reason, we believe that the price might drop and break through the blue bullish trend line. If this happens, the Fibonacci Retracement would be a good tool to determine the potential supports and the eventual rebound point. After all, on D1 we have an inverted Head and Shoulders formation to follow.

Analisis 26 Maret 2014

The price tested the 5-years bearish trend line (turquoise) for fourth time. The level stood up the pressure of the price and a bullish bounce occurred. The bounce is visible on the Momentum Indicator too, but after the price reached a certain level, after two hours it started dropping, while the Momentum Indicator continued with the higher tops and bottoms. In other words, this is a clear bullish divergence. In a combination with the strong support (the 5-years bearish trend), we might state that the price would most likely restore the bullish movement.

The consolidation after the Double Bottom formation started resembling a symmetrical triangle (orange). The tops of the triangle are synchronized with the previous clearly stated top by a bearish trend line (turquoise). The Momentum Indicator is consolidating too. As we all know, the symmetrical triangle has the potential to push the price in both direction. Having in mind that the price is touching a bearish trend line, the most logical scenario would be a bearish bounce and a drop with the size of the triangle or to the support formed by the Double Bottom formation. On the other hand, we should be careful for bullish breaks. If such occurs, we might see the price testing the 3-months purple bearish trend line.

The price has returned to test as a resistance the already broken lower level of the blue bullish corridor (D1). The price bounced in bearish direction afterwards. The last two bottoms of the price could be connected with a line (light blue bullish line), which might have the potential to support the price. For this reason, one of the possible scenarios for the price is a drop to the light blue bullish line and a bullish increase afterwards. The interaction point between the lower level of the blue bullish corridor (D1) and the purple bearish trend line might be the next test zone of the price.

After breaking in bullish direction through the upper level of the red bearish corridor, the price started a consolidation, which formed a resistance in the area around 0.88600 (pink). After the last interaction with this resistance, the price dropped for a test of the already broken upper level of the red bearish corridor as a support. The level stood the pressure of the price and currently we witness a bullish movement. The Momentum Indicator also signalizes for a bullish activity. For this reason, we believe that the price would most likely return to the pink resistance and having in mind the test of the upper level of the corridor as a support and the fact that during the last interaction with the pink resistance, the price did a little break, we believe that the price might even see a break through the pink resistance.

The price broke again through the Neck Line of the inverted Head and Shoulders formation on the D1 chart. Thereafter the price started moving after a bullish trend line (turquoise), which is probably beginning of the bullish effect owing the inverted Head and Shoulders formation. The Momentum Indicator also shows a slight bullish increase (light blue line), which has already moved above the 100-level line. For this reason, we believe that the price would continue following the turquoise bullish trend line for now. The situation looks pleasant for a long-term bullish position, which might lead to a profit of 300-400 pips.

Analisi 21 Maret 2014

After the drop from its 29-months high, the price started a consolidation with a triangle shape, or to be more specific, a bearish pennant. After the third test of the lower level of the formation, yesterday the price did a rapid break and dropped to the 45-days bullish trend line (red). Since there was an interaction between the red bullish trend line and the 5-years bearish trend line (turquoise support), the price managed to test the both levels at once, which gives additional strength to the level of support. So, the price looks supported for now, which infers that a potential rebound is possible.

After the price reached the the turquoise support for third time, it started increasing slightly, and not long after that, it exploded in bullish direction, which confirmed and completed the Double Bottom formation (red lines) we mentioned about. The price reached the resistance at 102.725 and started a correction, which resembles a bullish pennant (orange lines). Since we have a clear bullish activity and a bullish pennant afterwards, it is normal to expect the price to continue its ascendance.For this reason, we watch out for a break in the upper level of the formation, which could be used as a trigger of a long position.

The price completed more than half of the expected bearish movement. We remind that on D1 the price confirmed a Double Top formation, which was the reason for the bearish expectations. In the last two days, the price did the drop we are talking about and we notice that the bearish movement was happening in the frames of a bearish corridor (turquoise). This bearish corridor brought the price to the blue bullish corridor on D1 and the price is currently testing its lower level. Since the price has about 1/3 from the expected bearish move to take, we expect it to go beyond the lower level of the blue bullish corridor. Furthermore, the current correction of the price resembles a bearish pennant. For this reason, the price might continue moving into the turquoise bearish corridor and it could break the blue bullish corridor (D1).

The price increased again to the 2-months orange bearish trend line and it is currently testing it for sixth time. The consolidation after the interaction with the trend line resembles a symmetrical triangle (yellow), where, as we all know, is possible to see a break in both directions. Since the price is testing a strong bearish trend line, it is likely to see the break in bearish direction. Actually, we even see the beginning of this break now. The price is slowly getting out of the symmetrical triangle and it is decreasing slightly. For this reason, the price looks like resisted from the orange bearish trend line and a drop is likely to occurr.

After the steady increase for the last week, yesterday the price did a rapid drop, which ended on the purple bullish trend line, which is a connector of the bottoms by the Head and the second Shoulder of the inverted Head and Shoulders formation on D1. As we all know, the Neck Line of the formation is already crossed, which confirms the formation and the expected outcome is likely to be an increase of the price. If we look at the chart on D1, we notice that this increase really exists, but it is slight. Maybe we are going to see a bullish explosion, which would push the price to create the beginning of the potential bullish movement. Anyway, the price has just bounced from the purple bullish trend line on H1, so this might be interpret as a pleasant opportunity to go long.

DAILY ANALYSIS for 20 Maret 2014

Asian and European trading sessions:

U.S. Dollar: Dollar showed the most significant strengthening in the last seven months after the Federal Reserve yesterday hinted of a possible lifting of interest rates by the middle of next year. Following the meeting on March 18-19, the U.S. Federal Reserve has reduced its quantitative easing program by $ 10 billion for the third time in a row. Since April, the Central Bank will reduce the purchase US Treasuries from $ 35 billion to $ 30 billion a month, mortgage-backed securities -from $ 30 billion to $ 25 billion a month. In addition, the Central Bank has kept interest rate target range of 0% to 0.25% per annum. Some support the American currency was the labor market data. The Labor Department said: for the week ending March 15, the number of initial claims for unemployment benefits rose by 5,000 to a seasonally adjusted, while reaching 320 thousand Economists had expected the value of this ratio will rise to 327 thousand add the result for the previous week appeared unchanged.

Swiss Franc: Swiss franc has fallen markedly against the dollar, which was due to yesterday's Fed decision, and today's announcement SNB. Note, the Swiss National Bank confirmed its intention to intervene in currency markets to prevent the strengthening of the franc. SNB also upheld the 3 -month interest rate range LIBOR 0, 0% -0, 25%, that is fixed by 11 consecutive months. Decision was consistent with economists' expectations. Bank noted the continuing high franc, and the restriction for EUR / CHF continues to be an essential tool to avoid undesirable tightening of monetary conditions in the event of renewed upward pressure on the Swiss franc. SNB also said it expects GDP growth in 2014 of around 2 %. Meanwhile, it became known about lowering the inflation outlook to 0.0 % in 2014 from 0.2% previously. Inflation forecast for 2015 was 0.4 %, compared with 0.6 % previously.

American trading session:

U.S. Dollar: The U.S. dollar continued to strengthen against its competitors as investors take into account the possibility of raising interest rates earlier than expected before. Data released in the U.S. as a whole were positive. The index of leading U.S. economic indicators rose in February 2014 by 0.5 %, according to a research organization Conference Board, which calculates. Analysts on average had forecast a rise of 0.3%. According to revised data, in January index increased by 0.1 % rather than 0.3%, as previously reported. The index of business activity in the district of Philadelphia also exceeded all forecasts. This figure soared in March to 9 points from minus 6.3 points in February, according to the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) of Philadelphia. Analysts on average expect its growth to just 4.2 points. The number of people who first applied for unemployment benefits, rose slightly last week, but was lower than predicted by most experts. The Labor Department said that for the week ending March 15, the number of initial claims for unemployment benefits rose by 5,000 to a seasonally adjusted; while reaching 320 thousand Economists had expected the value of this ratio will rise to 327 thousand also add that the result for the previous week appeared unchanged. Analyst Department of Labor said that there were no special factors that could have an impact on the overall result. Meanwhile, it was reported that more important indicator that “aligns " weekly volatility - the average number of calls in the last four weeks ,down by 3.5 thousand to 327 thousand It was the lowest since the end of November. Sales in the secondary market fell slightly in February, a sign of slow recovery. Experts noted that the decline was associated with unusually cold weather and deteriorating housing affordability. National Association of Realtors said that seasonally adjusted sales of existing homes fell in February by 0.4 % to an annual rate with 4.6 million units, and recorded six declines over the past seven months. Many analysts expected that sales will increase to 4.65 million from 4.62 million in January. We add that the figure for January has not been revised. On the eve of the dollar rose by almost a percentage after Fed Chairman Janet Iellen at the press conference suggested that a rate hike may take place within six months after the central bank to terminate the bond buyback program. Rising interest rates may increase the investment attractiveness of the currency. The Fed announced a reduction in the monthly volume of redemption of bonds at 10 billion dollars, and changed the conditions under which interest rates will remain low. The threshold level of unemployment has been canceled. Dollar rally corresponded with increase of yield on 10-year bonds. The dollar index rose from 80.03 to 80.20.

Gold: Gold prices decline fourth consecutive session under the pressure of rising U.S. dollar, following statements by the Federal Reserve that it will reduce its monthly bond purchases by 10 billion dollars. The cost of the April gold futures dropped to $ 1320.70 per ounce on the COMEX today.

Oil: The cost of WTI oil brand cut losses after the growth of the index of leading indicators which increased optimism about stimulating demand for oil by strong U.S. economy. April futures price fell to $ 99.50 a barrel on the NYMEX.


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